12 Useful Javascript Libraries

6 min readApr 5, 2020


With the development of JavaScript, new libraries are also being developed daily. It’s hard to keep up with everyone, so I bring you a list of 12 useful JavaScript libraries that need special attention.

The most famous libraries are certainly jQuery and React, and the 12 libraries we present are currently alternative, but with great potential to gain popularity.


Visual representation of data is becoming an increasingly important item in the growing industry of big data and information available on the Internet and IT era. That’s why the D3.js library is one of the best free ways to present this data visually.

This library works with SVG and canvas elements, so it allows you to create modern and effective charts, lists and, in general, dynamic web views.


Many of us will immediately think that they have heard enough about the node.js library, but there is obviously a reason for its popularity. In addition to growing and developing the fastest, it offers far more than a normal development environment.

A lot of open source projects are done right in Node.js, so you can also do testing in mocha.js or deal with frontend and interface in Sails.js.


Everyone involved in the frontend knows how flooded the area is, but the right solution has yet to be found. Riot.js offers balance in solving the frontend puzzle. The advantage of this library is that there are no weaknesses that React has, such as tags (readability, standardization, virtual DOM), simplicity and minimalism (syntax, size, complexity).

The disadvantage of this library is that it is not supported by Facebook, and the community is not large, but certainly a good alternative and an important player in the programming race.


The create.js library represents modular libraries and tools that, together or separately, provide rich interactive content on open technologies via HMTL5.

Some of the libraries available to you through this package are Easel.js for HTML5 and Tweet.js, and each one is purpose-built for different purposes and specialized, so it offers modern features for all major search engines.


The keystone.js library is one of many JavaScript libraries built into node.js and is most useful as a tool for CMS (Content Management System).

If you have never heard of this library, the reason is in the beginning: the current version is in use v0.4, and it has a long way to go in professional use. But be sure to ignore keystone.js if you are interested in editing content in JavaScript.


The most popular frontend libraries are Angular and Ember, but vue.js is becoming increasingly popular, especially after the release of v2.0 vue.js.

This is an advanced JavaScript environment that is a little more difficult to learn at first, but once you put the syntax in, the rest becomes very easy. It is definitely worth the attention, and will remain on the market for at least the next few years.


The fastest way to build web applications is to open a meteor platform. We especially like that it is possible to embed any platform into it and get phenomenal results. Whether you create real-time chat apps, social communities, voting websites, or personalized dashboards from scratch. custom dashboards), the meteor will let you do that.

So much variety in application comes with a price — a meteor is not easy to learn, but it’s certainly interesting and worth it, because you can do just about anything in it.


The chart.js library is a simple and customizable JavaScript library suitable for designers and developers to create various types of charts, diagrams and similar visual representations of data. This is one of the simplest JavaScript libraries and has built-in animation capabilities.

It is very easy to set up and customize for the user, and has almost the best support of all open source projects.


Virtual reality (VR) projects are increasingly popular, with WebVR providing an application programming interface (API) for virtual reality in JavaScript. It is available for Chrome (Chrome browser), Firefox (Mozilla Firefox) and Samsung browser (Samsung Internet Browser for Gear VR).

WebVR is an experimental interface and is still in the testing phase, but for now it works with Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear VR, and Google Cardboard.


We are already used to watching movies in cinemas, but also at home, in 3D technology, but 3D on the internet is still a novelty. Fortunately, there is a three.js library that enables three-dimensional web applications: motion-sensitive wallpapers, personalized 3D web graphics, dynamic elements that use 3D technology for animation.

If you have enough patience and willpower, you can create any 3D effect in this library, and learning will be even easier with the resources available.


One of the more complicated libraries we would recommend only to experienced developers is omniscient.js, as it facilitates the programming process when used with the React library.

This is a free frontend library where you can write functional JavaScript codes from scratch and work with UI libraries.


The ractive.js library is vastly different from all of the above, and although it is one of the more extensive ones, it is very good for beginners.

It is not as detailed as React, and uses different syntax in JavaScript and HTML. It offers two-way linking of template elements and data, and allows you to create templates with elements that connect the functions of Ractive in JavaScript. If it doesn’t have the function you need, you can always download or make add-ons that will make it possible.

There are certainly reasons why these libraries are still alternative, but each contributes in its own way to the programming community. If you work in JavaScript, consider the benefits of each, as you will certainly learn something new, even if you discover new libraries along the way.

What are your favorite JavaScript libraries?

Originally published at https://www.alenibric.com.tr on April 5, 2020.




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