Delphi Component for OpenWeatherMap API

2 min readDec 14, 2023
unit OpenWeatherMap;


System.SysUtils, System.Classes, System.Net.HttpClient, System.Net.URLClient;

TOpenWeatherMap = class(TComponent)
FHttpClient: THttpClient;
FApiKey: string;
FLatitude: Double;
FLongitude: Double;
FLanguage: string;
FUnits: string;
FResponse: string;
function GetUrl: string;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure GetWeather;
property Response: string read FResponse;
property ApiKey: string read FApiKey write FApiKey; // Comment: The API key used for authentication with the OpenWeatherMap API.
property Latitude: Double read FLatitude write FLatitude; // Comment: The latitude coordinate for the weather location.
property Longitude: Double read FLongitude write FLongitude; // Comment: The longitude coordinate for the weather location.
property Language: string read FLanguage write FLanguage; // Comment: The language code used for the weather data.
property Units: string read FUnits write FUnits; // Comment: The unit system used for the weather data.


constructor TOpenWeatherMap.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
FHttpClient := THttpClient.Create; // Comment: Create an instance of THttpClient for making HTTP requests.

destructor TOpenWeatherMap.Destroy;
FHttpClient.Free; // Comment: Free the THttpClient instance to release resources.

function TOpenWeatherMap.GetUrl: string;
Result := Format('',
[FLatitude, FLongitude, FApiKey, FLanguage, FUnits]); // Comment: Construct the URL for the OpenWeatherMap API request.

procedure TOpenWeatherMap.GetWeather;
FResponse := FHttpClient.Get(GetUrl).ContentAsString; // Comment: Make an HTTP GET request to the OpenWeatherMap API and store the response.


The code provided is a Delphi unit named OpenWeatherMap that defines a component TOpenWeatherMap for interacting with the OpenWeatherMap API to retrieve weather data.

The TOpenWeatherMap component has the following properties:

  • ApiKey: The API key used for authentication with the OpenWeatherMap API.
  • Latitude: The latitude coordinate for the weather location.
  • Longitude: The longitude coordinate for the weather location.
  • Language: The language code used for the weather data.
  • Units: The unit system used for the weather data.

The component also has a Response property that stores the response received from the OpenWeatherMap API after calling the GetWeather method.

The TOpenWeatherMap component has the following methods:

  • Create: The constructor of the component. It creates an instance of THttpClient to make HTTP requests.
  • Destroy: The destructor of the component. It frees the THttpClient instance to release resources.
  • GetUrl: A private function that constructs the URL for the OpenWeatherMap API request based on the component's properties.
  • GetWeather: A public procedure that makes an HTTP GET request to the OpenWeatherMap API using the constructed URL and stores the response in the Response property.

To use this component, you need to set the appropriate values for the ApiKey, Latitude, Longitude, Language, and Units properties before calling the GetWeather method. After calling the GetWeather method, you can access the weather data response through the Response property.

